
Butter Popcorn

Unknown | Thursday, September 29, 2011 | Best Blogger Tips

Its a snack which all of us munch and pop while watching movies: Pop corn. A home made, easy to cook pop corn and its fresh.Thanks Ankur for sharing your recipe with me :)
Ingredients :-

  1. 1 cup Corn seeds (make sure they are for pop corn)
  2. Butter
  3. 1/4 spoon turmeric powder
  4. Black salt (if possible), if not normal salt to taste.

  1.  Put some butter into cooker while its heating on medium flame.    Alternatively oil can also be used.
  2.  Once butter melts and cooker is heated, put the corn seeds, turmeric and   salt in it and shake / stir it well so  that all corns and butter is spread equally.
  3.  Cover the lid of cooker leaving a small opening for steam to flow out. This is to avoid corns popping outside.
  4.  As the pace of popping slows down, which means its done. Enjoy home  made butter pop corns.


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