Health Tips

Unknown | Friday, October 07, 2011 | Best Blogger Tips

  1. When you go out in sun, remember that your lips can get sunburned too.So use lipbalms or lipstics thta contain sunscreen.
  2. When you lift heavy objects, bend your knees don't bend your waist.
  3. Do not take Vitamins just before sleeping at night.Your body will not digest it easily.
  4. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day so don't skip it.
  5. Don't dwell on problems that out of your control.Stress is one the worst enemies - so avoid it!
  6. When you're outdoors, wear sunglasses that protect your eyes from ultraviolet rays.
  7. If you find you're having trouble with your memory, try writing things down.
  8. Patience is a virtue - and good for you, too.
  9. Drink a glass of warm milk at bedtime if you're having trouble falling asleep.
  10. An Apple a day may reduce your cholesterol level.
  11. If you feel nauseated , have some tea with ginger.Ginger is a wonderful remedy for this condition, and it can also relieve pain caused by swelling.
  12. To Keep cholesterol consumption down, avoid egg yolks.When a recipe calls for a whole egg, you might try using two egg whites instead.
  13. Don't let your chronological age lessen your activities- age is just a number after all.
  14. After a bath or shower don't dry yourself too much.Then , while you're still damp , rub a lotion over your body to keep your skin soft and supple.
  15. Hot bath can relieve stress! When your body is tense, the blood flow to your extremities is reduced;hot water restores circulation, and will make you feel much better.
  16. On long car rides , get out of the car frequently and walk around. Your back will thank you.
  17. Try listening to some music this can in alleviating stress.
  18. Fragrances last longer in warmer areas of body. so it is best to apply scent to the pulse points ( behind the ear , on the wrist)
  19. Using slow , controlled movements when exercising on machines or with weights is safer and far more effective for strengthening muscles than moving quickly.
  20. If heart burn is troubling you, drink a glass of lukewarm water.
  21. Do something nice for someone today.You'll be amazed how good it makes you feel.
  22. Wake up each day filled with optimism, positive thoughts and bountiful energy.


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